Tuesday, 8 April 2014

how long is a cold sore contagious

how long is a cold sore contagious
In fact everyone is looking to know about for how long is a cold sore contagious? Fine, this article will help you to know about cold sores contagious and also how to get rid of it.

Cold sore is a contagious which is caused via the virus that is HSV- 1 herpes virus. The main cause for the cold sore is stress. Nowadays many people are living stressful life without time to get relax and this lead to low the immune system in the body and this is the main reason for the appearance of cold sore. And also when you are exposure to the sun also lead to this problem as well as by consuming too much of chocolate will increase the cold sores in the body. The cold sore will appear usually in the outside of mouth and it will spread easily towards other person and also other parts in the body. How long is a cold sore contagious? yes it will be there for a minimum of 3 weeks and you can reduce the pain and level of existence by using the right products to heal them.

How to remove the cold sores? Many people will think that there are natural remedies to cure this cold sore but the real fact is it is not possible but there are also products out there which will assist you to get rid of cold sores and also will help to prevent as soon as possible. It is best to buy the products in the market. If you use the products, sure it will help to reduce the pain and also it can heal the cold sores easily with in 2 to 3 days. It is also best to suggest the doctor to get the medicine in order to heal the cold sores.

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